
Search "user:OmeJoop"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Prevent opponent from giving extra time#3

Ah... Thank you!! See, I not only duck at chess, but at computer as well...

General Chess Discussion - Prevent opponent from giving extra time#1

Sorry if this subject has already been discussed in an earlier thread; I did a quick search but didn't find anything. My question is: is there a way/setting that prevents your opponent from giving you…

Lichess Feedback - I get messages: "you win in xx seconds"#5

Ah, clear! Thx Sazed.

Lichess Feedback - I get messages: "you win in xx seconds"#1

Since today I get strange messages while playing a game. It says "You win in xx seconds", where xx stands for a number of seconds and it counts down every 5 seconds. It appears just onder the takeback…
