
Lichess coaches

FM AttackSparrow Lichess coach picture

FM Omar García Blanco

En el ajedrez, como en la vida, hay que luchar hasta el final.

Location Spain
RatingFIDE: 23752732265522322193
Hourly rate20€ (Contactar por mensaje en lichess o en el email:
IM Medarde94 Lichess coach picture

IM Luis Marcos Medarde Santiago

''The biggest secret is that there is no secret'' Working Hard and being passionate on what you do!

LocationSantiago de Compostela Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Galego
RatingFIDE: 243126602618
Hourly rateIt depends on the student and the number of hours
FM AGmedina Lichess coach picture

FM Rafael Alejandro Medina Diaz

Un atleta no puede correr con dinero de sus bolsillos. Debe correr con esperanzas en su corazón y sueños en su cabeza.

LocationSpain/Mexico Spain
RatingFIDE: 233024522411
Hourly rate15$/h contacto Whatsapp: +5219993608586.
FM CACHS Lichess coach picture

FM Carlos Alberto Chávez Suárez

El ajedrez es como la vida, si aprendes ajedrez aprendes a vivir

LocationViladecans, Barcelona Spain
RatingFIDE: 227924382536
Hourly rate15€....Puede ser para clases o para jugar....whatsapp: +34 626723013
FM sKoRPioNGMsKoRPioN Lichess coach picture

FM Jose Vicente Jiménez Martínez

Nos gusta pensar - Garry Kasparov

LocationEspaña Spain
RatingFIDE: 23512393
Hourly ratePreguntar por bonos mensuales
FM Langua-Chess Lichess coach picture

FM Juan Rottenwöhrer

The key is not the will to win. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.

Location Spain
LanguagesEspañol, Français, Deutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 23212552
Hourly rateOpen to negotiation (depends on the type of training, currency...)
IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

LocationOviedo Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 240829392725
Hourly rateSessions from 8€/hour. Interested? Let me know!
CM balack Lichess coach picture

CM Marc Balague

Every learning process should be fun, let's make it enjoyable!

LocationZamora Spain
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español, Català, valencià
RatingFIDE: 221026092505
Hourly rateContact me for more information
IM I_aM_Javiiiiii Lichess coach picture

IM Ernesto Javier Fernandez Guillen

"El buen jugador siempre tiene suerte" J.R.Capablanca

LocationZaragoza Spain
LanguagesEspañol, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 247728042802
Hourly rate35€/Clases/Lesson and 25€/Per Games…)Packs de 4 clases por 120€)
GM Nitratochess Lichess coach picture

GM David Lariño

Que corran los plátanos

LocationGalicia Spain
LanguagesEspañol, Galego
RatingFIDE: 247724862541