
Lichess 코치들

GM Dr-CRO Lichess coach picture

GM Sasa Martinovic

Chess engines can show you the best moves, but I can teach you how to find such moves by yourself

지역Zadar Croatia
언어English (US), Deutsch, Hrvatski
레이팅FIDE: 25652946296324632314
시간당 비용1h=60€; 10h=500€; Training games= 40 €/h; I am also available for group lessons. If you are interested, contact me
최근 로그인:
FM nikhildixit Lichess coach picture

FM Nikhil Dixit

Play for fun!

지역pune India
언어English (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी, मराठी
레이팅FIDE: 233127222453
시간당 비용$25 per hour
최근 로그인:
FM SD63 Lichess coach picture

FM David Shapiro

Успех в шахматах– это способность делать выводы из неудач.

지역 Russia
언어русский язык
레이팅FIDE: 2376273625342528
시간당 비용1500 руб/час
최근 로그인:
CM d-pawn Lichess coach picture

CM Pawan Dodeja

Learn Chess in an easy and effective way!

지역Amravati India
언어English (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी, मराठी
레이팅FIDE: 2192245225892617
시간당 비용1200/- for Indian players | 20 USD for foreign players | please ping for Training Games
최근 로그인:
CM Superdioni Lichess coach picture

CM Hector Fiori

FIDE TRAINER. Currently Secretary of the Argentine Chess Federation, National Coordinator of UTHGRA Chess Schools, Hebraica coach.

지역Buenos Aires Argentina
시간당 비용15 uss - 1hr / 130uss- 10hs/
최근 로그인:
IM AstanehChess Lichess coach picture

IM Alex Astaneh

Methodical and adaptable coaching.

지역Cork Ireland
언어Español, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 243128302664
시간당 비용$80/hr
최근 로그인:
FM Chess_Attack_Juras Lichess coach picture

FM Dino Ballecer

Proven and effective in just one session.

지역Singapore Singapore
언어English (US), Tagalog
레이팅FIDE: 2372256424812135
시간당 비용80 SGD for One Session (one session is 1 hour)
최근 로그인:
FM LionSatranc Lichess coach picture

FM Lion Satranç | Lion Chess Club

Success is not for those who never fail, but for those who never quit!

언어Türkçe, English (US)
시간당 비용Detaylı bilgi için mesaj atabilirsiniz. | Contact for the details.
최근 로그인:
IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

지역Oviedo Spain
언어Español, English (US), Català, valencià
레이팅FIDE: 240829392725
시간당 비용Sessions from 8€/hour. Interested? Let me know!
최근 로그인:
NM BeStRoMaNo Lichess coach picture

NM Davide Cappai

"Vincere non è importante, è l'unica cosa che conta"

지역Roma Italy
시간당 비용♟️🎯 Contattami per una prova 🎯♟️
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